Discover our latest report on the analysis of professional practices from The Career Garden project! 🌱
We are thrilled to present to you the detailed results of our in-depth analysis across the five partner countries of the project: Austria, Germany, Croatia, Romania, and France. This report provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of professional practices and experiences in each country, along with insights from key stakeholders including students, teachers, and industry experts.
Beyond simply painting a picture of existing practices, our analysis delves into the specific needs regarding internships, career guidance, and the transition to active work life for students. We also examine the overall attitude towards virtual or hybrid internships, taking into consideration the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic and the shifts in work and learning modes.
This report serves as a valuable resource for educators, policymakers, businesses, and anyone interested in enhancing career guidance and opportunities for youth across Europe. Download the full report now to explore our in-depth analyses, conclusions, and recommendations for the future of The Career Garden project! 🌿
Discover the professional guidance framework from The Career Garden Project! 🌻
Explore our professional guidance framework developed through The Career Garden project.
This guide supports educators in schools, universities, and vocational training centers across Europe.
The framework includes:
• Presentation of networks of educators to help students transition into professional life.
• Digital pre-internships in five sectors to prepare students for internships and the working world.
• Examples of best practices in career guidance and skills development from different countries.
This guide is an essential resource for enhancing career guidance and skill development for students.
Integrate these recommendations and best practices into your courses to better prepare your students for their future careers! 🌿